Sunday, February 28, 2010

Color Theory

In one of my classes we're designing belly bands. You know those pieces of paper wrapped around rolled up towels in the store with all the information about the thickness and absorbancy whatnot? Yeah, something like those. Turns out there's more than one kind.

Anyway, my job was to market to middle school kids. 9-12. They think they know everything, only talk to their friends, and spend most of their time indoors festering, dreaming of the day that they can rise up from under the oppressive thumbs of their parents. If only they could drive.


I introduce Fuerte!. A line of outdoor games and toys for the preteen itching for independence. Designed after the Mexican Luchadors, the games encourage the kids to form teams and stake claim on what rightfully belongs to them, in the only place they can be free, outdoors, in the neighborhood.

Here's a sneak peek.

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