Friday, November 5, 2010

Aloha E Komo Mai!

I'm learning Hawaiian. It's a crazy difficult language to learn, but I love it.

One of the best parts about moving to California, when it happens, is that there's a ton of Halaus that I can look into joining. I want so bad to learn the history of my heritage and how to hula. Right now I'm working with the little bits that I've learned from my mom and grandmother growing up.

I've got my eye on this one.

Academy of Hawaiian Arts

Some history.

For some reason they won't give me the embed codes for these, but check them out just the same.


this one too.

A hui hou kakou - Until we meet again (I think)


  1. I am learning American Sign Language.

  2. Hi Ms. Givens.

    Thanks so much for commenting! I'm doing my best to get back into the swing of things and posting regularly. Great luck to you with the American Sign Language.

